Thursday 7 March 2013

ICT Activity (Eunice and Nehal)

(a) 2n and 2 + n is not equal as 2n refers to n x 2, but 2 + n basically refers to 2 + n. The answer will not be the same.
(b) 2n and n^2 is not the same as 2n is n x 2 but n^2 is n being squared, meaning n x n.
(c) 2n + 2 and 2(n+2) is not the same as when we evaluate 2(n+2), we will get 2n + 4, which is definitely not the same as 2n + 2.
(d) 2n^2 and (2n)^2 is not equal as the first one can be evaluated as 2n x n, but (2n)^2 can be evaluated as 2n x 2n.

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