Welcome to an exciting year 2013
Success comes with adequate preparation and as a start do take note of the following.
1. Know your Syllabus for 2013.
Elementary Mathematics 4016 (SEAB site)
2. Right Resources.
SST Maths Note (Sec 1 term 1)
Optional Reference Book
Calculator (with approved SST seal)
SST Foolscap paper and graph papers (for assignments)
ICT Resources (Class Maths Blog, ACE Learning, graphing tools etc)
3. Assessment for 2013
Term 1 Level Test 1 + Authentic Assessment 10% + 10%
Term 2 Common Test 1 20%
Term 3 Level Test 2 + Authentic Assessment 10% + 10%
Term 4 End of Year Summative Assessment 40%
4. Diagnostic Test will be conducted as Follows:
Beginning of new topic
- to assess prerequisite knowledge and linkages to new knowledge
End of topic
- to assess level of understanding and competency
5. Daily learning and monitoring platforms
Class work - in the form of activities and practice questions
Assignment - to be done on SST foolscap papers
(or SST exercise books - pending style of teacher)
all classwork to be completed within designated time
6. Character is Destiny
Your destiny should begin with your daily routines
A. Be Present
B. Listen without Prejudice and One conversation at a time
C. Be Socially Aware (we are after all living in a gregarious community)
D. Manage your impulses
E. Know that the choice that you have chosen has its own consequences